Sunday, January 15, 2012

Violet's 1st Birthday! (Part 3)

Violet had her first birthday party this weekend.  We decided to buck the tradition of a big first year party and keep it small.  It was a good thing because Violet alternated between being a social butterfly and acting overtired and cranky.  But hey, it was her party, she could cry if she wanted to.

Big cake for adults to eat.

Small cake for Violet to destroy.

She wasn't really that interested in smashing the cake.  Even cheerios sprinkled on top couldn't entice her.

Cheerios on the cake.


Checking out one of her gifts with Jenee.

And then it was over.  Violet and mom were both exhausted.  Hopefully next year she will actually eat cake.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Violet! (part 2)

Birthday Cupcake.

Gift from daddy: A Rody horse.  This generations hippity hop.

Visit with Jenny.
Violet actually didn't eat any cupcake but preferred to eat her broccoli instead.  I figure that's the only year that will happen.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Violet!

Happy first birthday Violet!

How quickly this year has flown!  I can hardly remember you as a little baby.  You are loved!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Lunch with friends

Violet naps twice a day (usually morning and mid-afternoon) and she goes to bed early--about 6 p.m.  So in order to maintain a social life, I've become a "lady who lunches".  This week I met up with some good friends Renee and Nichole.  The restaurant wasn't too kid-friendly ("no strollers allowed in the restaurant miss") but at least they had high chairs.  I don't think I'll be able to lunch much more often.  Violet doesn't really want to sit still for longer than 20-30 minutes anymore.  After that she starts to lose it!

Antsy Violet crawling across the table

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Violet starts the new year as a bipedal!

She seems to walk like a zombie to me.