Thursday, May 24, 2012

Weekend without Violet

Eric and I went to New Mexico for a long weekend without Violet.  We were worried that she would be somehow psychologically harmed without us, but she did just fine, having a fun weekend with Grandma.  My mom did great but Violet definitely kept her on her toes.  I know my mom is glad to be done with the 6 a.m. wake up call.  So instead of some pictures of Violet, here are some pictures from New Mexico.

We were lucky that Santa Fe was right in the pathway of the eclipse so we got to observe the full eclipse.

Looking through a lens from a telescope.

Mini shadow eclipses seen through the tree.

Next up--I transition from being a stay at home mom to going back to work.  It's going to be hard.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Violet's has had a busy past week.  First we went to the splash pad at the Irvine Spectrum which was a big hit.

The there was a play date with Luca and Toby.  Violet lorded her 7 months over them, making sure to steal whatever toys they chose to play with.

Violet kisses a boy.  It didn't go over well.

And then it was a trip to Zoomars, the petting zoo.  These were the fattest farm animals that Eric and I have ever seen.  The front desk continued to sell baskets of fruits and veggies to the feed the animals while the sheer abundance of food available caused the goats to literally decline apples. 

A really big goat.  Twins?

Pedro the pig.  Also quite a large belly.
There was a sign that said "Do not feed Pedro."
She really liked the turkeys.
They did not want to eat the random hay she was offering.

The train was her favorite.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Flowers and Family

Today Eric, Violet and I went to the local park and we let Violet play in the wildflowers.  We thought she would freak out and run to mom, but she was perfectly happy to play in the dirt and flowers.

Afterwards she went to the park.  She is pretty fearless, going down the big kid slides on her own.  Eric helps her at the top and I meet her at the bottom but she does it all on her own.  She also got to play in the water.

Yesterday she spent the day with Aunt Marla, Uncle Merill and their friend Nancy.  Suffice it to say, she hammed it up for them.

And having fun with the oven mitts at the grandparents:

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Play Date #2

Violet had a play date yesterday with Emeline.  They were born less then two weeks apart.

The girls running away.

Emme, Tera, Me and Violet

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Play date

 Violet recently had a play date with Jeff's daughter.  At first Violet was shy, but she quickly came out of her shell.

Jeff with his daughter, 11 months

In terms of milestones, Violet can run now and she can climb onto the couch.  She is literally into everything she can get her hands on.

Today was day three without pacifiers and while each day is getting easier, there is still a lot of crying at bed time and nap time.  After the first day, she stopped looking under furniture for the binkies, but she still keeps looking for them in the car.  Hopefully she will move on pretty soon.