Wednesday, October 31, 2012


It was Violet's first time trick or treating.  Who knew trick or treating with a toddler was so much work?  I wagoned her from how to house which helped.  She helped bring in loot for mom and dad, thus earning her keep.  In case you are wondering, she's a hedgehog.

Dressed up with mommy prior to trick or treating

Hanging out with Mary, our favorite pharmacist.

Trick or treating with Grey, AKA Scooby Doo

MyGym Halloween Party, AKA total chaos.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

Fall has officially arrive with the first visit to the pumpkin patch and the first rains today.  Violet rode the train for the first time by herself and after initially looking scared, she did great.

She's getting to be such a big girl!
She loved the petting zoo, although she was convinced the lop earned rabbits were cats.  She also exclaimed "Mine!" No Violet, we are not bringing a rabbit home.


A little sick goat baby.


These goats were hungry!

Monday, October 8, 2012


Violet and I just returned from Oahu where we visited my best friend Jenee and her family.  She had a great time.  We visited the beach, zoo, and aquarium.  The trip over on the plane was a bit taxing for me (but not horrible) but she was an angel on the trip back.  There was little adjustment to the time change--she was up at 5 or 6 a.m. every morning, and there was only one nap for the whole trip, but we still had a great time.  She loved Jenee's son Nick ("Hi Gick!") and their dog Zoe.  But Violet kept walking up to the car while asking to go home and it was pretty clear that even with skyping she missed daddy.

The Waikiki Aquarium was her favorite part of the trip.

Wiped out.  Her only nap of the trip.

Bribery will get you everywhere.

Including a quiet ride home.