Friday, November 24, 2017

Cat Cafe

In September we went to San Diego to visit Auntie Jenny and went to a cat cafe.  Violet was thrilled with all the cats.  The cats were not so thrilled with Violet.

Violet did great getting a tooth pulled.  The dentist was awesome and Violet loved the nitrous oxide.

The tooth fairy brought $5 and a toy since she had to have it pulled.  The going rate for having a tooth pulled is higher than losing it on your own.

First grade school picture.

Randomly sleeping under her desk.

First Grade

Violet started first grade at a new school at the end of August.  Her teacher is way more laid back than last year and tolerates noise and distraction, so she has been doing well with minimal disciplinary problems.  She likes to say that her kindergarten teacher last year was "cranky".

Swimming on Labor Day:

Montecito Family Camp

In August we went to Montecito Family Camp in the Sequoias for a second time.  It's some serious "glamping" in our condo with all cooked meals all week.  We even had steak and crab legs!

The first night there was a carnival:

Some serious tie dying.

Themed dance with costumes.

Learning to slackline with dad:

Learning archery like a boss.

Summer Camp at the JCC

Violet went to day camp over the summer for the second year at the JCC.  She loved it.  Besides the huge amount of sweets they are fed (including an otter pop every day--she always wants blue), they get to go swimming every day, and go on a field trip every week.

Swimming with Nana:

At the beach with Toby and Luka: